Dominique Borcy 186 abonnés Hors ligneDominique Borcy
Forum : Les orphelins de Toutbox et Partageurs - Have you ever tried it?
03/08/2023 19:08:02Pole Stone

Have you ever had virtual sex? How do you feel about it and should you try it? How does it generally go and how did you communicate with your partner and how were all your actions performed? Tell me, it's interesting.
03/08/2023 19:54:36Millie Kii

Yes, I had the experience of virtual sex and it was very unusual and at the same time pleasant. The interaction was carried out through video communication, where we could see each other, exchange erotic looks and perform certain actions to please each other. We also did it by exchanging erotic and sexual messages through text chats. Even now you can try it, visit here and you can chat online with an attractive girl and see how she pleasures herself.
03/08/2023 20:17:25George Nil

I only tried to use special VR technologies. This means that participants can immerse themselves in a virtual simulation of an intimate experience using virtual characters and environments. And in general, if you do not know what it is, I will say that it is a form of interactive sexual experience that takes place with the help of technology and means of communication through the Internet or virtual spaces.
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