Dominique Borcy 186 abonnés Hors ligneDominique Borcy
Forum : Les orphelins de Toutbox et Partageurs - Kids.
30/11/2022 12:34:53Dana Villiams

 Hi all. Where do you buy furniture for the children's room? I want to buy quality furniture for my child. Recommend some sites in the comments. 
30/11/2022 13:23:06Dana Villiams

I try to pay as much attention to my child as possible. And with the Montessori technique I really notice that he is very interested in learning activities in the form of play. And no one is forcing anyone to do anything. 
07/12/2022 07:36:07

It depends on what exactly you are looking for. For example, I arrange a room for a child so that the child can always occupy himself with something. From the last thing we bought my daughter in the room is a pikler triangle set . My daughter can play for hours and at the same time for her it's not just a climbing kit, but she comes up with a variety of games with this kit. From the outside, it is very interesting to watch how my daughter learns this world with the help of seemingly simple toys.
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